“Dear Beloved, the door to the past is closed, but you keep trying to pry it open in hopes to make changes, wondering if maybe things went differently that life would have turned out better. However, the time has come, you have been stagnating between the old and the new for far too long. The door to the new beginning stands before you, with the key in your hand to unlock it and move forward. The past is the past, and there are times that you may need to reflect back on your life for clarity, healing, or learning, but it is not meant for you to sit in circles within this space, as it is time for you to move forward into greater things. We ask for you to take that key, to turn the lock, and to finally move through into the new. We understand your fears to step into the unknown, as it creates worries within your mind of all the potential negative things, yet we remind you that your worry is only based on past experiences of old. For so long you have given your power away to your past, to pain, suffering and fear, but you are now able to be free from these restrictions. The unknown is meant to be your blank canvas to create what your heart desires, it’s meant to be fun and magical as you move through the creation of your life. This isn’t about creating fears of yesterday, but creating happiness in all its forms!  So we ask you, what would you like to have happen within your life? What do YOU really want at this time? As you move into the new, with each step forward, you will want to decide what you’d like to see within your life. As this truly is a magical and exciting time, for we are giving you the wand of creation, and now you get to play. Will you want more love, more joy, more playfulness, more abundance, more beauty, more creativity, more magic, more bliss, better health? What is your heart whispering to you? Take the time to really explore this realm of your imagination, to fully express with all your senses what it would be like to have the life of your dreams! With each breath, in each moment, bring in what you would like to create, dreaming bigger than you have ever done so before. If you want love, what does that feel like? If you want joy, how does this playful energy want to expand within your life? If you want more abundance or good health, how would that best unfold for you? Then share with the Universe, your dreams, your wants, your wishes, and as if you were to blow on the dandelion flower, allow the energy to shift into the hands of the Universe to bring you all that you desire and more, better than you could have ever imagined, and in the most miraculous of ways! Expect the unexpected of all the joyful energy to come in to you, allowing the greatness to unfold within your life. You are deserving of this, so open your arms and heart wide to receive! Again, we remind you, that you have a choice in each moment, whether to move backwards and to look at the closed door of past sorrows and what-ifs, re-creating the same life over and over, or the chance to move forward and to shift your destiny to one that is more aligned with your heart and soul. You have the power, you hold the key, which door will you open, as the story pages of your book are now left unwritten. We ask for you to be playful, be curious, and be adventurous, for your newfound creativity can bring so much everlasting joy and love to you! There is nothing holding you back at this time, except in some cases, yourself, so choose wisely on where your attention lies. Be present, take back your power, and feel, sense, and perceive, all the greatness you desire, and then watch it unfold with the greatest of ease, as you move step by step into the great unknown of more love, more joy, and more peace. This is your time. We love you, and walk with you always, call upon us as you need.” ~ The Angels

Let these words sit with you, and take your time exploring all the beauty and love that you can have. There is no hurry, and always remember you have the power to create something really amazing at this time, so keep dreaming and exploring all the possibilities that are at your fingertips!

Also, for the holidays and until Jan 5th, I’m having a sale for my one-on-one sessions! So if you’d like to get that heavy gunk out of your system and start the new year with as much positivity and joy, please check out my sessions here. 

As always sending you so much love! 


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