We are being called forth to awaken our light and to begin shining it with all those that are around us. For we are the leaders and our tribe is sleeping awaiting our call to know when it is time again to awaken and join forces as one. We must step up and radiate our light, our truth to all those around us, helping each person to see their own calling, their dreams, their wishes, and their authenticity. Now is not the time to play small, to wonder if we are good enough, worthy enough, able enough, for we already are. Reflect back at all the work you’ve done, the clearing, the healing, the digging, the exploration into the dark night of the soul…. you are beyond ready! No more do we play small, no more do we play the victim, no more do we get lost in our sorrows and pains, we are moving past that now! And not that we don’t have compassion for all that we have been through, but it is time to start shifting our focus beyond all the hurts, wounds, pains, and suffering, and into the LIGHT of who we truly are…beings of purity, love, light, joy, kindness and peace. As we are bringing Heaven onto Earth.

Mind you, this is no small task, as we didn’t come here from the angelic realms or the galactic star clusters to walk simple paths, we came here to be bold, to be brave and to awaken ourselves out of the deepest, darkest depths of pain, sorrow and misery to lead the way into the light and glory of our truest potential! And that time is now! The bell is ringing, and trust that you have done the good work, and now it’s time to shine outwardly with all that you are! Even if you don’t feel fully ready, or know fully where you are going, just keep moving forward step by step. Start by sharing your current gifts, even if it’s sharing your kindness and smile with a stranger, that is a gift! Even if it’s sharing your dream of the perfect world with others, that is a gift! Even if it is creating a yummy meal with another, that is a gift! Even if it’s providing a healing, that is a gift! Even if it’s loving your children, pets, friends, lover, that is a gift! Big or small, as long as it carries the energy of the Light, that is a gift!!

We are needed to come together, we are needed to shine together, and the world needs it most right now. Share your dreams with others, share your gifts with others, and see how this awakens their light, their remembrance of all that they are! Move within your heart and allow this beautiful center to lead you each step of the way forward. And as you have been a leader, know that yes, it has been a lonely path, but now is time for your tribe to awaken and to share the wealth of knowledge you have learned, and for all of us to shine together once more! Awaken the light, for it is time!!

Much Love,


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