Today begins the “Clearing the Emotional Wounds” series that will continue out for the rest of this year. I decided to do this since many of us are being faced with a lot of negativity, confusion and heaviness within our lives and in the world around us. I feel each of us are going through our own dark night of the soul so that we may release and heal the negativity within us to allow the light and positivity to shine once more. For life doesn’t have to be difficult anymore, and if we do the inner work to bring in more love and joy, we will start to see this reflected back to us from the outside world, blessing us in all that we do. As you move through this series, I do recommend a journal to help keep track of where these wounds appear within your life, as well as to be able to write out your feelings and emotions along the way to best heal. And remember, you don’t have to do this overnight either, so step-by-step we go through this together, processing and releasing the outdated and all that no longer serves, to welcome in the new levels of joy, love and abundance!

We are starting this series off by looking at STRESS and where this shows up within our lives, and how to best heal it and bring in more calmness and ease.

Stress in our lives today mostly shows up as feeling of pressure we receive when we are trying to get a task done or to accomplish a goal. It can show up in all aspects of our lives big and small, and can be felt from our family members, partners, friends, bosses, co-workers, and even (if not mostly) from ourselves. When we are in these situations of stress, it creates strain on our body, and then with time affecting our internal organs leading to cases of heart disease and stroke. And in this crazy busy world we live in, most people have some form of stress in their lives almost every day! Even if it’s a smaller stress of what to make for lunch, or trying to get to work on time, to bigger events such as planning a wedding, to dealing with a loss of a job, or how to pay the bills each month. However, our bodies and emotional fields are not able to process the amount of stress we do each day, so let’s shift this around to allow in more peace and overall light within our lives!

To begin the process of releasing stress, you will want to find where the most stress occurs in your life. So ask yourself what area in your life do you feel the most stressed in? Is it at work, at home, certain circumstances or even a specific person in your life? Then write out in your journal each category and person in your life that brings you stress in one way or another, then rate the stress level from 1-10, where 1 is no stress, and 10 is high levels of stress. Then work through each of the stresses to see why you are feeling stressed out and how you can potentially begin getting this off your plate. You will also want to dig deep here to really understand why you are feeling stressed, asking yourself questions as to why this is showing up in your life. An example could be that you are placing pressure on yourself to be perfect so that you can gain more appreciation and/or love. Then dig a little deeper here, seeing if this hits a point in childhood where you didn’t feel valued, so you are now pressuring yourself to work extra hard to gain that approval. You may also be stressing over a worldly event that’s triggering an insecurity deep within you, dig deep to see what this is to heal it. Since, for the most part, stress comes from ourselves, so really take the time to honor yourself and explore the deeper levels of emotions here. If you find that you have a stressful situation with a certain person in your life, see if maybe having a heart-to-heart conversation is best here to help release any burdens or masks that may be in place, or you may even realize that you just need to set better boundaries for yourself. Take this time now, and go through each stressor within your life, allowing your heart to guide you and work out where you can help reduce as much tension possible.

Now let’s see where stress shows up in your body, as everyone is different, and it’s good to know where this resides within you to help alleviate the pain. So pull a stressful moment that you wrote out in your journal then close your eyes, and use your imagination to replay this event, then sense where this shows up in your body. You may just know where it is, you may feel it, or you may visually see where it lands. Once you have it within your body, then call upon the Emerald Ray from the Source Creator to move to that space of stress within your body and ask for it to simply dissolve it away. As you are doing this breathe deeply until it is fully gone. Once this energy is gone, then call upon the Yellow Ray from the Source Creator to fill you up with peace and calmness, allowing you to feel more relaxed as you do. There is no wrong way to do this and trust your imagination to guide you through.

Now that we have looked at ways to release the stress, we want to begin bringing in new lighter habits to help keep the stress at bay. So think about what you enjoy most in life, what uplifts your spirits? This can be simple things, such as going for an evening walk, meditating, doing yoga or some form of exercise that you enjoy, sitting outside and being with nature, soaking in the tub, or even connecting with good friends or loved ones! Play with what lights you up the most and helps to release the most stress, and then write this down in your journal to help remind you when you are feeling overly stressed and needing an uplifting break from it all.

And lastly, when dealing with stress, call upon the Angels to help you release it as much as possible, along with putting on those rose-colored lenses to see the brighter side of life. I remember working in one of the worst jobs of my life, and I would pray to the Angels every morning to have an easy day. And it worked!! There was also a period in my life that I was laid off four times, and each time I would put on those rose-colored lenses and be excited for the adventure ahead of me, and it really helped me get through what could have been an incredibly stressful situation. Which reminds me of this famous quote: “There are three solutions to every problem: accept it, change it, or leave it. If you can’t accept it, change it. If you can’t change it, leave it.” A powerful reminder, that we have much more control over our lives then we realize!

I have also created a free meditation on my meditation page to help release stress too, please check it out here if this calls to you.

So until we connect again with this series, take a look at your life each day, be present and see where stress arises and check within your heart to see how you can best reduce it. Practice the healing work with the Emerald and Yellow rays, and take time to do fun things that light you up! Calling upon the Angels and your positivity as needed! You are meant to be living a more joy-filled life, and today starts that journey!

Much Love,


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