From time to time, I will get this lovely thought in my head, “when was the last time you had fun?” Then I will sit and think….for a while….and then continue pondering some more….wondering, “when was the last time?!” I gasp saying to myself, “omg has it been years???” Maybe all the changes, shifts, and transformations had gotten ahold of me, but what about having fun? I started to try and think of all the fun things I liked to do…which was even more shocking, since I didn’t even know what that was either. I knew I liked watching a lot of Gaia TV, but was that really “fun?” It is interesting, but not the “knock your socks off” kinda fun. Then I remembered moments I did have fun! What came in was the good convos and giggles with my mom and sis, where we would end up in tears laughing! I also had yummy conversations with friends filled with cheer! I even watched a funny movie the other week that really made my night! I recently danced and sang to this silly song, and I even made a snow angel and laughed my butt off as snow got up my shirt! So thankfully it hasn’t been years, but I must say, I don’t do it enough. So this is my newest goal for myself, to have more fun, to play, to laugh, and to bring in that sacred essence of JOY!! I’ve even decided to create a “Fun List” so that in those not so happy times, I can remember how to bring in a giggle and light up that joy spark! And I know, we must face all of our emotions even when heavy, bad, and ugly, but sometimes it helps to deal with them when we have a bit of that fun spice!!


So now I ask you….are you ready??? When was the last time YOU had fun? And I mean real fun, where you belly laughed, kicked up your shoes, did cartwheels in the park…do you remember? If you did, AWESOME, and keep it up!! If you don’t really remember, or it’s been a few weeks, the time is now! You must get your FUN back!! Think of something you’d love to do that will light up your soul, and then go for it! You may also want to create your own “Fun List” and jot down stuff you enjoy, this way you have it in times of need. It may seem silly, but when you are staring down the dark tunnel of heavy shizz, you will be grateful for that “Fun List” to pull you back up!


Maybe we can make a plan to have fun on a daily basis? Are you game? I am! Since life, after all, is meant to be enJOYed! As it can be easy to get caught up in the chaos and stresses of life, the world, and everything, so too can we flip it around and get back to the lighter side of things! With this craziness surrounding us all, I feel we can use more jazz in our steps!


Let me know what you end up doing for FUN, as I’d love to hear!! Share with your friends and family too, because they may be aching for some of that good ol’ fun, and the more the merrier!!


Lots of Love (and a pinch of fun),



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