The biggest message that I have been receiving lately, and all of my life really, is that our power resides within ourselves. The power to create the life we desire and to create more joy in our life. Typically, we go through life searching outside ourselves to feel good, and if things aren’t going as planned we begin to take on roles of force, manipulation, or control. Then as we continue to push and persuade the outside world we become increasingly exhausted, burnt out, and moving further away from the joy we so seek. Even as children we are taught that we need to work hard for what we want in life, we have to go get it, imprinting in our minds that we must have this energy of force outside ourselves to make things happen. Yet with all this energy we use outwardly for the fight and the struggle to get what we want, we start to become tired, searching for a better way…and hopefully finding our way within. As with time we begin to see truly that our happiness and joy is always within ourselves and has never left us.

Looking back, when I would ask my higher self and the angels how I could manifest a life I more desired, they would always say to stop reaching outside myself for things to make me happy and to move within. Then I would see the famous quote of “as within, so without,” but still not fully understanding what that meant. Since if I went within, what could I really “do” to make a shift in my life? So I kept with what I knew, working hard, keeping busy, and pushing ahead! However, doing this brought me a lot of fear and angst trying to get everything to go the way I wanted. Looking for ways to control the outside world to bring me happiness, whether it be finding the right relationship, creating a better job, etc., I would still find myself not really completely happy with anything, even if I got what I thought I wanted. I still felt empty. Then began the journey to move within (*insert angelic praise music*), and as I started to look inside I found there was a lot hidden in there, which at times wasn’t the prettiest of sights as there was a lot of feelings of lack, unworthiness, failures, fears, tears, uncertainty, and so forth from this lifetime and many others. I worked on clearing the energy out, healing from myself and others, meditation, connecting in, detachment, awareness, and learning each step along the way. Then with time I started to fully understand that all my power really does lie within, as well as my wholeness, being fully loved, supported, and the feeling of joy! I began seeing more clearly who I was, knowing more of what my heart desired, and being less hard on myself for thinking I needed to be consistently doing something to be successful. This of course didn’t happen overnight, but as time progressed, I really was starting to see how beneficial it was for me to move within and see how as I was happier within myself, and as I did this, the rest of the world was actually matching what I felt inside! Even when things in my life didn’t go as “perfectly planned” I wasn’t affected by it as much, and I didn’t attach to the outcome of things, rather I would just flow with the ease of life knowing all will work out as it’s supposed to.

When we get to this space of ease and flow in life, this is where life becomes more fun, and we get to be magical creators within ourselves and watch as the world shifts outwardly to meet us! We take so much of our lives feeding the grind, working, pushing, forcing, when really we can just let go. It is actually more powerful to let go, and ask from within ourselves and our higher self what we would like to see come forward into our life, this or better. So if we find in our life we feel unfulfilled, angry at the outside circumstances, our health is sliding down hill, we don’t remember the last time we had fun, feeling overly unhappy, and working too hard, then it’s really time to go within! I always recommend connecting within on a daily basis, as it’s the best thing we can do for ourselves and our entire life. Below I have listed very easy steps on how you can begin your inward journey so you can start right away:

  1. Close your eyes
  2. Take a few deep breathes (full breathes with your belly)
  3. Then visualize or sense in your own way being within your heart, then move your energy to fill your entire body
  4. Open your eyes when ready

That’s it! Keep this practice up, even if just a few minutes each day to get used to connecting within. Then with time, start seeing what you feel within your heart and in your body. Asking yourself what you need most right now. Maybe it is love, or releasing something that no longer serves you like an old belief or habit. Maybe it’s adding in more laughter and play in your life and visualizing or feeling how that would be. There really is no wrong way to do this, but just taking the time to do it is what is most important. Getting to know yourself, love yourself, and care for yourself! Then the next part is actually letting go of the control and not going back to working hard and pushing through life outwardly, but rather flowing with life from within. Once we connect within ourselves, we are able to release old patterns and begin creating new ones that we would rather have. As we feel, sense, and connect with our desires on the inside, then the Universe will start to unfold in miraculous ways to match us! Then we begin to take back our original power that has always been within ourselves as creator beings, creating a life of our dreams and YES even having it all!! So remember, you do have a choice to shift your life, and starting today! We are no longer victims to our circumstances, we have a choice, and one that is easy to access each and every moment! I hope you take the time to find how magical it can truly be to connect within yourself, and to awaken your true Divine gifts!

I would love to hear how things go as you connect within, and please reach out to me if you would like extra support in clearing out any negativity within your body and energetic field! The best way to reach me is via my contact page or email me directly at!

Much Love,


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