An Oracle Deck to assist you on the Divine Beloved Journey back to wholeness and love!

The Divine Beloved Journey is a journey that we move through as we search for true love. Upon this path we are faced with many challenging love relationships that tend to trigger our inner wounds, fears, and insecurities. This may seem painful and even unjust to be held back from receiving our deepest desire, yet our Higher Self has aligned it this way to have love relationships be our biggest teachers, and also mirror, to help us fully awaken to the remembrance that we are always connected to Source and All That Is. Within this process, we will have the ability to reach new depths of fully knowing and honoring ourselves, awakening our greatest gifts, aligning our inner beauty, and connecting into self-love and oneness, mastering full union within ourselves. Releasing the need to learn through relationships based on karma, fears, emotional wounds, and codependency, since we will be embodying the true essence of wholeness and love within ourselves. The more we embrace this wholeness, we will begin to see the doors open to true and lasting union with our Beloved. On this journey, we will also be met with a multitude of twists and turns, so we must be open to the paradigm shifts that come blazing through, releasing any expectations on how we feel this journey should unfold, for when we do, the biggest miracles can occur! Let’s now take this leap of faith into the Divine Beloved Journey, for it is calling us to find the greatest gift this world has to offer us, which is that of Love.
Intention of this Deck

This oracle deck has been created with the intention to best assist you on the Divine Beloved Journey, to help guide you home within yourself and into a lasting love relationship with your Beloved. The majority of the cards will look at the deep emotional wounds that you will face within relationships, along with releasing the belief that another person must fill you up and make you happy. This deck is a guide to help you on your journey to becoming more whole and self-loving within yourself, along with helping you to understand what is blocking you from union with your Beloved. Remember to always trust your inner wisdom to guide you upon this journey, knowing that you hold the power to make the needed changes on this voyage of love. For the deck itself, I have categorized the cards based on different Beings of Light, along with Ascended Master or God/Goddess couples, so you may connect in with a variety of beings in the Higher Realms to help guide you on this journey. I hope this oracle deck serves you by bringing in more clarity, peace, and love within all of your love relationships, and ultimately within yourself. There is no wrong or right way to work with these cards. Use your imagination and follow your heart. The meaning of each card is listed directly on the card itself for ease and simplicity, but please, always use your own intuition to guide you first. Many blessings as you travel upon this Divine Beloved Journey. As this can be one of the greatest and most fulfilling quests of the soul!
Guardians of the Deck

This oracle deck consists of a variety of Light Beings that make up the Guardians of this deck. These Guardians are here to help you upon this Journey to bring in more clarity and peace. The Beings within this deck each have their own set of cards, and they are the Angels, your Higher Self, the Priestess of Light, along with Ascended Masters and God/Goddess couples that offer their Divine wisdom and guidance upon this path. The Divine couples are Cupid & Psyche, Ariadne & Dionysus, Yeshua & Mary Magdalene, Shiva & Parvati, Tristan & Isolde, and Guinevere & Arthur.
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Copyright © 2020 - The Divine Beloved Journey Oracle Deck // Sara Coutts/Sara Love’s Angelic Healing & Coaching, LLC // Oracle Cards and Meanings. All Rights Reserved.