Blog posts to help awaken, inspire, and ignite you on your spiritual path!

December 4, 2017


Wake Up Call

I’ve been reflecting on my life recently, and especially on the last few years, with all the shifts that occurred within and around me. It’s been quite a roller coaster ride at times, especially with so many unexpected changes. Changes occurring within my business, as well as in my personal life where I’ve parted ways with friends and even my long-term relationship. I’ve also dealt with the loss of my 11.5 year-old pup, who had been my rock through the first portion of my life living on my own. With everything unfolding as it was, I found myself really questioning who I truly was and what I wanted out of life. Which in many ways, I thought I knew, but finding more and more that this isn’t a solid answer that I will keep set in stone for the rest of my life. In each stage or portion of my life, I had different beliefs of who I was and what I thought I wanted. Realizing more than anything that who I am and what I desired in some ways is a constant journey of evolvement or refinement to become my purest and most authentic self. And that when life gets louder or more chaotic, it’s the Universal alarm going off letting me know that the space that I was in is needing to shift, and that a new doorway is opening up for me to go through. Which in many ways can be seen as quite brilliant. For we are being protected and guided at all times to be on track with our souls calling, and yes there are times that we do get a really loud wake-up call from the Universe, however, it’s just getting our attention to get us back on track, aligning us with our most authentic selves, and to our true calling of what our soul is urging us to explore. Ultimately reminding us that when life seems to get harder, it’s the Universes way of letting us know that changes are upon us, it’s time for us to shift out of the old and move into the greatness that is before us! Re-aligning us more to who we truly are!

Thus, I hope that if you find you are going through the hard times, or the depths of hell, confusion, or any type of change, you know that you are not alone or doing anything wrong. That as many of us are awakening to becoming who we are meant to be, that what no longer serves us must be released so we can grow and expand in the most magnificent of ways. And yes, I will admit, what comes up for these wake-up calls have been incredibly difficult, sad, hard, and frustrating, but sit through each of the pains and feel them all the way out. I had a few good pity parties myself, I cried, I journaled, I talked with friends/family, ate yummy chocolate and even had some good vino. Then with each time that I let it all out, I felt lighter, freer, and the lightness come back to me, allowing more of my true essence to shine! So do whatever you need to get it all out, and trust that as you do, you will be greeted with a lightness and a welcoming into a more uplifting space. For we aren’t meant to circle in our pains, and not move forward. We are meant to go well beyond the struggles of life, and move into the joy and love that life truly has to offer us. For I feel that there is much more on the horizon for us to explore, to enjoy, and to experience as we shift into this new space of who we truly are!! Remembering, that this is not the end, rather just the beginning of something amazing!!

Sending so much love, and please reach out to me or those that are close to you if you are needing extra support! For we are all in this together!



June 6, 2017


What If…

What if…we were told not to explore our wild imaginations to keep ourselves from the real magic of everyday life?

What if…all the schooling we were taught was full of lies, and kept us blocked emotionally, mentally, and spiritually?

What if…alcohol and other drugs were created to keep us blocked from our truest feelings and emotions?

What if…prescription drugs were NOT actually healing but deadening to our bodies and souls?

What if…all the material objects in the world never truly made us happy or feel any better?

What if…climbing the corporate ladder took us nowhere?

What if…we were made to work more days than we had to play so that we didn’t begin to think outside the box of what other amazing possibilities were out there?

What if…we were kept in a space of focusing on spending more, having more, needing more so that we had to work long hours at our jobs to pay for it all?

What if…competition and pointing out differences in each other was created so we would all stay separated and not cooperate with one another?

What if…the media told us lies?

What if…we were taught to fear more than to love to keep us all down in the darkness of hell?

And what if we decided to wake up from this crazy, wild slumber we have been calling life? Currently the world is shifting, and more of us are starting to see that what we used to call life isn’t making much sense anymore. We are becoming aware that we want our lives to be filled with more ALIVENESS, more LOVE, more JOY, more KINDNESS, more MAGIC, more CREATIVITY, more FREEDOM, more UNITY, more PEACE… Yet how do we do this in a seemingly trapped world with no way out? Well there is a way, and it starts with YOU, it starts with me, it starts with each of us knowing there is more to life, and really uniting as ONE to take care of each other, honor each other, and begin creating the steps in the right direction of love and cooperation. This may seem like an impossible task, but we can start small as we grow towards our goal. For instance, instead of putting someone down or judging them, we can find the good that is within them. Or we may simply smile and say hello to all those that we meet, knowing they are all our brothers and sisters. We may also offer a helping hand to those that need it most, without needing anything in return. Also we need to do the inner work, and face all of our emotions allowing them to come up and out, really listening to our hearts, and finding our pure essence of love and joy that always radiates within us. Step by step we can get there, and maybe you have your own ways and ideas on how that looks. And please share with me and all you know so we can begin shifting into a whole new world in a whole new way! Maybe you want to care for the Earth and offer a class on how we can all grow our own gardens, or to send beautiful photos to all your friends each day to keep them inspired! It doesn’t matter how big or small it is, it’s a step and it’s all we got right now and all we need. We aren’t here to sit around hoping for someone else to change it, or for it to just magically shift into wonderfulness, we are being asked to step up, and to give from our hearts, to expand our consciousness and really demand better! It may not be overnight that we change this world, but with all of us together we can really make some big movements! And…WHAT IF we ended up creating a world beyond our wildest dreams? I know I’m ready for this, are you ready to join me?

Much Love,


May 30, 2017


Releasing Control

Something that has been coming up for me lately is really understanding what I have control over, and what I do not. Learning that I need to let go of control over other people, even when I think I am being helpful. Then looking at my own personal life, seeing that a lot of it is in the hands of my higher self and the Universe, and that the main control that I have currently is how I react to what is going on. Knowing all of this has really helped me to expand my awareness and welcome in more freedom and peace into my life. So I wanted to share more on this to hopefully help you with your journey as well. So let’s dive in…

Looking first at control over other people, what was coming up for me was when I was trying to be “helpful” by telling others what they needed to do to win the battles at work or within their relationships, but later finding I wasn’t so helpful after all. I found myself being frustrated that they wouldn’t try harder with what I suggested, and I’m sure the other person was probably annoyed that I wouldn’t just listen and let them do what they wanted to do. As I explored this more, and connected in with my higher self, I was shown that each person had their own journey and their own way, and yes I could be supportive and there for them, and maybe even provide some suggestions, but to mainly let go of the control or force of whether they followed through with what I offered. It’s a tricky line, but this is their life and they get to pick and choose which way they go. Even if they choose to dive head first into the small swimming pool after we suggest it’s not the best idea, it is their life and they came here to experience it in their own way. This can come across as being somewhat cold, or uncaring, but it’s actually better for all involved, since we don’t have control over another person, and they are here to live their life out in their own way. To expand on this further my higher self showed me that each person signs up for certain things to happen to them in life, and that they may have signed up for the wild and crazy ride, and to experience all the chaos and madness. Or that maybe all the hardships that a person goes through is what is needed to help them evolve as a soul, and that they will eventually be teachers to others with similar circumstances, helping others to avoid the same pitfalls they went through.There really can be so many different reasons as to why a person does what they do, but it isn’t for us to judge or to try and get them away from what we see as a bad situation. If the person and their higher self truly feel they need to go through a so called negative experience in life, they will no matter what we say or do. We mainly have to trust here, knowing that their higher self and the Universe are looking out for their highest and best interest.

Now let’s look at our own lives and what we have control of. So yes, we get to decide what we eat for breakfast, or if we want to exercise at the gym or at home, etc, but what happens when our long term goals end up crashing down upon us? Or we wanted to have a certain event happen at a certain time but nothing came through? Well what my higher self showed me was that some of the heavy hitter events in our lives are needed to happen, and as much as we try to control them to go the way we think they should, it will still turn out as the Universe had it planned. For instance, the job we had for 10 years ends up laying us off after we had planned to be there until we retired. Or a marriage ending after a long period of time, that we thought we would be in forever. These are changing times, and something a lot of us will be seeing, if we haven’t already. And as these things occur, we may find ourselves feeling trapped, frustrated, and like we have no control over our life at all, but if we turn this around a bit, we can see that we actually do. What was brought forward to me was that it may seem out of control and indeed we can’t stop what is happening, but we can certainly change our outlook on what is going on in our lives. We have choices here, and we can decide when unexpected changes come in that either a) it’s the end of the world OR b) an exciting shift on our journey. Going back to our first example of the job we thought we would be in until we retired, we can maybe turn this around to see that we didn’t like the job that much anyways, it was just a paycheck. That we would really like to expand our passions and share with the world our gifts. Or maybe this opens a door for our dream job to come in, where it is a better fit for what we have to offer. So we can then say to ourselves, “hey it’s not the end of the world here, I’m just moving into something better!” This can be the same way we look at our relationship example. Instead of feeling like we will grow old and be forever alone for the rest of our lives, we can turn it around to be grateful for the learning and time spent with the other person, but that it’s no longer relevant to stay, as we both have changed and we really weren’t that happy anyways. We may find now we are on a journey to find our true inner selves, or maybe this opens a door to that partner that meets us where we are at now with our interests and desires. Having this awareness helps us see that we are free to choose a better outlook on life when things are seemingly out of control. Bringing in more peace and understanding as to what is going on. We also get to see that the Universe isn’t out to get us, but rather helping us move to a better space that maybe we wouldn’t have gone to before since we were either stuck in our old ways, or afraid to leap to our true destiny.

To sum it all up, the biggest thing we have control over is how we react to other people and situations in our life. The rest we get to leave up to our higher self and the Universe to bring forward. Then as we choose to allow more trust and faith in, we can see that life isn’t so bad, and the control we thought we so needed wasn’t really needed after all. Walking free and empowered holding hands with the Universe each step of the way on our journey.

I would love to hear from you! Please share a time when you thought things weren’t going as planned but then they later shifted for the better! It’s great to reflect on these things!

Much Love,


March 28, 2017


Peace, The Final Frontier

After many weeks of releasing and clearing negative energies, outdated beliefs and thought patterns, I finally found myself sitting in total peace. Feeling the wholeness within myself and powerful radiant energy, but then I started to go into fear, wondering how long I had in this state of paradise. I connected in with my spirit team asking why this fear always arises and why the feelings of such peacefulness never last as long as I would like. What came forward surprised me, yet in some ways it really shouldn’t. But what my team said was that this harmony I was sitting in is actually our natural state of being, and a space we can now live in for longer periods of time. Yet we often get side tracked or pulled back into the chaos we call life or the dramas that play out. Not that we really enjoy doing so, but that it is almost a habit to go back into the crazy, something that is more familiar or known to us.

It became very apparent working with my spirit team, that they really wanted me to understand that this space of wholeness and peace was something I could actually keep at all times. Then at any moment if I started to see myself getting sucked into aspects of chaos, drama, or crazy, I would know that I didn’t actually have to feed into that space. I would then be able to pull out of it quickly knowing this was not by any means normal or how I wanted to live my life. Which is powerful, and brings back the importance of presence or awareness. Knowing the more we practice living in the present moment we can be more in tuned with how we react to what life offers us.

Many of us are awakening now to this truth, to this remembrance of our true divinity. To live as empowered beings in a state of wholeness, peace, love and joy.  Our powerful light within is asking us to wake up, it’s calling forth for us to shine and welcome in all that we desire! If we feel a space of peace, we no longer have to worry about it going away, as this is actually who we really are! Nothing can take away our trueness, and what we see as the dramas and heaviness in our lives are actually just old outdated blankets we thought brought us comfort. Yet we can see now that we don’t need these blankets, we are already whole as we are, and we have the access to that peace by simply letting go of the outdated dramas and chaos. Stepping directly into paradise already residing within ourselves!

As we walk the Earth at this time, we are being truly blessed with so much magnificence and joy. The long years and lifetimes of darkness are fading fast as we awaken to the light that is already brightly shining within us. The light of peace, and getting to enjoy this space of paradise for as long as we desire. Remembering we always have a choice, and we get to choose at each and every moment, whether to be caught up in the outer dramas, chaos, or craziness, or whether we choose to connect and move into our own inner peace already awaiting us within. It truly is beautiful here, and I hope you will join me in welcoming in this peace as we create a whole new world beyond our wildest dreams!

Much Love,


February 14, 2017


The Power of Love

I wanted to share with you more about the true meaning of LOVE! This is of course my favorite topic! I’ve always loved love, and I have been a hopeless romantic for as long as I can remember! Dreaming of the day when my true love would take me in his arms, and we would run away to the magical castle on my unicorn! 😉 Well after many moons of searching for what I thought to be love, I found something totally different, and I would have to say much more powerful! What I’ve found was that there never was going to be an outside “love” in the form of another that would come save the day and make me feel whole and loved at all times. That love is actually an essence within myself that I can tap into at any moment to feel whole. And a brief side note here, I do want to separate this out from the self-love convos, as much as loving ourselves is very powerful, connecting to the essence of love is slightly different. To where we are basically tapping into this radiant flow from the Universe/Source/God and letting it fill our entire body and soul in every moment. Where we find that our love wholeness is already there, and we begin to feel truly loved, supported and cared for like no other! As we ARE love! Then this is where the magic flows, for as we radiate this love from within, we find that we are IN LOVE with life and everything around us, creating Heaven on Earth! Then instead of living in a place of lack, hoping our love cup is filled by another, we can fill our own cup from Source. We no longer have to be beggars hoping for someone else to fill our cup, we get to be Queens and Kings connecting directly within the love stream within us! Thus we begin to radiate love at ALL times! Naturally connecting to this essence, and then sharing it with those that are around us. Then as we continue this power of love, all of our wishes for love that we wanted from the physical world begin to come in, such as our beloved, our soul tribe, etc. Then we truly do get our happily ever after! 😉

To practice connecting to this essence of love, you can ask your higher self what is the best way for you, or simply try this practice below:

• Find a quiet sacred space where you can sit or lie down
• Close your eyes and take a few relaxing deep breathes
• Then place your hands on your heart and welcome in the Source energy from above and sense it move through the top of your head and into your heart
• Say out loud or within your mind, “I welcome in love, I am love!”
• As you do this, begin to breathe in that love, then exhale this love into your entire body and energetic field that is around you
• Breathing in this love, and letting it radiate within and around you (you can envision this essence as a color or simply feel it)
• Continue until you feel overwhelmed with love and joy
• Then share the overflowing love as you desire, either for yourself or those around you

I hope you practice this, or find your own way to connect to this love that is already within you. Empowering yourself to know that the love you were taught to seek outside of yourself is already there awaiting your call.

As always, I would love to hear from you, so please share how it feels to connect to this love!

Much Love,
