After many weeks of releasing and clearing negative energies, outdated beliefs and thought patterns, I finally found myself sitting in total peace. Feeling the wholeness within myself and powerful radiant energy, but then I started to go into fear, wondering how long I had in this state of paradise. I connected in with my spirit team asking why this fear always arises and why the feelings of such peacefulness never last as long as I would like. What came forward surprised me, yet in some ways it really shouldn’t. But what my team said was that this harmony I was sitting in is actually our natural state of being, and a space we can now live in for longer periods of time. Yet we often get side tracked or pulled back into the chaos we call life or the dramas that play out. Not that we really enjoy doing so, but that it is almost a habit to go back into the crazy, something that is more familiar or known to us.

It became very apparent working with my spirit team, that they really wanted me to understand that this space of wholeness and peace was something I could actually keep at all times. Then at any moment if I started to see myself getting sucked into aspects of chaos, drama, or crazy, I would know that I didn’t actually have to feed into that space. I would then be able to pull out of it quickly knowing this was not by any means normal or how I wanted to live my life. Which is powerful, and brings back the importance of presence or awareness. Knowing the more we practice living in the present moment we can be more in tuned with how we react to what life offers us.

Many of us are awakening now to this truth, to this remembrance of our true divinity. To live as empowered beings in a state of wholeness, peace, love and joy.  Our powerful light within is asking us to wake up, it’s calling forth for us to shine and welcome in all that we desire! If we feel a space of peace, we no longer have to worry about it going away, as this is actually who we really are! Nothing can take away our trueness, and what we see as the dramas and heaviness in our lives are actually just old outdated blankets we thought brought us comfort. Yet we can see now that we don’t need these blankets, we are already whole as we are, and we have the access to that peace by simply letting go of the outdated dramas and chaos. Stepping directly into paradise already residing within ourselves!

As we walk the Earth at this time, we are being truly blessed with so much magnificence and joy. The long years and lifetimes of darkness are fading fast as we awaken to the light that is already brightly shining within us. The light of peace, and getting to enjoy this space of paradise for as long as we desire. Remembering we always have a choice, and we get to choose at each and every moment, whether to be caught up in the outer dramas, chaos, or craziness, or whether we choose to connect and move into our own inner peace already awaiting us within. It truly is beautiful here, and I hope you will join me in welcoming in this peace as we create a whole new world beyond our wildest dreams!

Much Love,


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